Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Texas voter ID's??

Texas is one of nine states that must get the Department of Justice (DOJ) to approve any changes to the election laws due to a history of discrimination. Texas is trying to change the law to require a person voting to have photo identification. The DOJ has found that over 600,000 Texans are without a photo ID and believe this would not be fair to not let them vote.

Robert Pratt posted on EmpowerTexans blog that this is going to be a very interesting trial. He states that the first of the testimonies to come into the trial are just sickening. I agree with him when he says that the issue on the Texas Voter ID issue will not get settled until the appeals are played out, because already people are making up reasons to not have a photo ID. I do not see how people today don't have an ID. You can't even use a credit card without being asked for a photo ID. Now I know that they are trying to make the law say that you cannot use even a student ID, but I see where they are coming from with that because anyone can make a student ID. A voter registration card with maybe a picture on it may be a way to help with this issue  if you don't have a current driver's license.

Pratt is host of the top-rated Pratt on Texas radio program which can be heard at www.PrattonTexas.com, and knows what he is talking about with this issue. I have looked at a few other sites on this issue and it seems to add up with what Pratt is saying. People just need to find a way to get a photo ID and register to vote so that there won't be any problems with the elections being fair.

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